I notice a lot of "lay-reports" by community guys who say they banged a girl who was a "6" or a "7"... but when I actually meet them they end up looking more like the girls in this video....
Hahaha I don't know how I stumbled on this forum but I'm glad you liked my blog post that I may or may not have been a little tipsy when I made. My favorite are the 2 larger women at 1:50.
"lets say i smoked a zone of dro, popped some pills and poured a 4, and still didnt wanna fuck yo ass? you guaranteed a ugly hoe!"
But yeah... when some guy calls a girl a 6, I'm thinking she's a 4 at best... and a 8 is usually a cute 6. It's so subjective that it's probably not even worth talking about though.
Ratisse, I definitely remember us getting kinda chauvinistic in our answers at the 21 convention Q and A sesh. Fun times
No shit.
My old roomate is now doing paid bootcamps in NYC and considers himself a master pua and any chick he brought home was barely doable (rarely), or ugly as fuck, or there was something else majorly wrong with them....
Bottom line, anyone can be a master pua if they lower their standards enough and ask idiots to pay them money.